If you have been to farms before, one of the tools that you are going to notice is the chainsaw. This incredibly useful piece of equipment is used for falling trees, cutting wood, trimming posts, and even thinning shrubs. But even as interesting as this tool is, it must never be used or handled without the necessary training. There are many risks when using a chainsaw, and you have to wear the proper outfit for protection. A chainsaw course will teach you all you need to know about this versatile tool and how to operate it.

A typical chainsaw course is one that has been carefully designed to teach the participants the necessary techniques alongside all the vital safety guidelines needed when handling a chainsaw. The course also teaches the participants how to develop the confidence needed for anyone using a chainsaw. By the time the course is over, the participants will be able to understand how to use a chainsaw and also be very familiar with all the health and safety recommendations. These recommendations are very important because that is what guarantees their safety.

Regular chainsaw courses last for about two days. The purpose of the course is to instil a combination of skills and knowledge in the participants relating to the following:

– Identification and adherence to all the government recommendations and requirements regarding chainsaw operations.

– Safe and efficient operation and maintenance of a chainsaw under different conditions. This is very crucial as being able to use a chainsaw is totally different from being able to maintain it.

– Cross-cutting of trees according to the professional standards.

As expected, a chainsaw course is not free. Participants have to make payments before they can take part in the course. Usually, it costs hundreds of dollars, but it can vary slightly from state to state. In many instances, the chainsaw courses are organised on the same date in the same state so many people can take part all at once.

Course Outline

For anyone taking part in a chainsaw course, it is important to know that you are going to learn about the following:

– How to start and shut down the chainsaw.

– The different crosscutting techniques, which are some of the most important parts of the course.

– How to control kickbacks when using the chainsaw.

– How to use sophisticated cross-cutting methods.

– Practical field exercises. These will include how to cut trees, how to do trimming, boring, liming, and of course, ripping.

– How to do sharpening and servicing of the chainsaw as stipulated by professional standards.

For participants, they will also be provided with the accredited chainsaw operators manual. The lessons in the course will be both theoretical and practical too. For anyone who is in an industry or sector of the economy where using a chainsaw is important, he or she should go for a chainsaw course. Basically, the main entry requirements for the candidates are impressive physical fitness and excellent use and manipulation of hand-held tools.

Chainsaws are great for so many things from carving to cutting wood. If you don’t already have a qualification, consider taking this course before using a chainsaw to ensure you know how to use it safely. First aid training complements this course and is an excellent option for chainsaw users. This added knowledge of first aid and how to respond to an emergency can prove to be life-saving. In the occurrence of a major accident, these skills can be used to treat an individual that has been injured until professional help arrives.